Having selected this website as my article base I stumbled upon a video. What intrigued me first about this video is that it had the word "Lego" in the title and I knew I was going to like it because I've been all about building with legos since I was a young child. The video was about a weird looking guy building whatever he wants but after he runs out of his own legos, he proceeds to take them from other people by means of reaching through a magical "cabinet" and popping out somewhere completely different. The people he steals from are most notably children which is comical because legos are popularly categorized as a child's toy. The thief's stolen bricks soon become live stop motion beings and play music. By the end of the film he has a whole band and he ends up dancing to the music himself. He is then seen as legos himself but a child is playing with him and a setting resembling most of the movie.
What kept me interested was the fact that stop motion was used in the making of this video and no matter how many bricks the thief picked up, he always created what he wanted. The ending remark that it only takes a few bricks to create something is important to me because it shows that something simple can still be a design. I feel like this video sends a message to anyone that we can be creative with the little things given to us. Other people should take note and watch this video, because sometimes it only takes a little bit to be inspired in the right way.
Lego Video
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